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Turning Courses in 2021 – starting mid – April

By 15th March 2021Courses, News, Woodturning
Turning Courses in 2021 - starting mid - April

Turning Courses in 2021 – starting mid – April.

Excited to announce the commencement of my Turning Courses in 2021 –  after lockdown………. Why not book yourself a day in the workshop?


Learn a new skill? Take up something you did at school? Have a go!


With Turning Courses in 2021 – starting mid – April  after an indifferent year with a few courses given in between lockdowns to a lucky few. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge again!


Initially on a one-to-one basis / or from the same family bubble. (bring your own lunch………)


June onwards the capacity will revert to two people on a course………. – subject to the latest rules….. (Off to local pub for lunch)


Further information on these courses  starting in mid-April


Turning courses are available as a gift voucher


One day – course (maximum of two people on same course)


Fully supervised – Learn from my vast knowledge & experience of working in wood.


Suitable for all age groups


A present with a difference


Have you received a gift voucher or booked a course during lockdown? – Please get in touch to book your day, I am expecting a day in my workshop to rather popular this year!